My First Fourwheeler Ride

It was a hot summer, afternoon. Dad and I went to his friends 800 acre deer lease. After we set up camp we got in the truck and drove around. When we got back we dragged out the ” Green Beast” our fourwheeler. It is called the green beast for a reason. My dad said I couldn’t leave 2nd gear. He finally let me ride it after he told me all the rules. I was riding in unfamiliar land all of a sudden. I felt like throwing up because I had 1 tank of gas left. Forunaetly  I was able to make it back to camp on that same tank of gas. That is the first time I got to ride my fourwheeler.

Unfair Child Labor

I learned that when there was child labor that 10’s to thousands of kids had to work at  mines, spinners at a textile mill, oyster shackers and much more. I didn’t know that before.



I feel like child labor was wrong because young kids would have to work for a few cents a day and die because of tuberculosis and machine malfunctions. Also I feel like it is ridiculous because if they were a few minutes late they would dock your check and you won’t get the total value of what your working for.