My Favorite Month

I like Christmas and here are are some reasons why. I get to see my family every December because I get to go to each side of my parents’ parents’ house. Also I like Christmas break because there’s no school. We get all kinds of presents to play with. These are some reasons why I like Christmas.

Red Ribbon Week

imageIt all started in February 7, 1985 when Kiki Camarena was working for D.E.A. and she was assighned to go find a multi-million dollar drug pipeline. On ghat very same day some cocaine and marijuna trafflickers kidnapped her and tortured her to death. Back in KiKi;s hometown they wore red ribbons in rememberance. Later the California state P.T.A. adopted the red ribbon campaighn . In 1988 red ribbon week was recognized nationally with Ronald Reagan and his first lady Reagan serving as honorary chairs.