My Fifth Grade Year

My favorite thing about this year was valentines day, because on valentines day we got to eat candy and drink our drinks. The main reason is because when I walked past my bag there were roses hanging out of my bag from a secret admirer. I soon found out who it was. I told my mom and she was shocked.

Dear Ike,

I am writing this letter to say I want you back. I sent you to obedience school because I wanted you to learn a lesson for being a bad dog.  I think it’s time for you to come home, I miss you. I still am pretty mad you ripped my leather jacket when we were crossing the road. But like you said ” she was about to get hit by a car” so I believe you. Ike, I hope you come home. It’s getting lonely without you.


Mrs. LaRue

Our Boardgame

  1. begin at the start     2.roll the dice. Whoever rolls the highest number goes first                 3.the number you roll is ow many spaces you go ahead     4. If you hit a interactive square be sure to do what it says   5. Whoever makes it to the end first wins!!!!!!!